Thanks are due to the following:
The Surrey History Society
David Rose
Jan Messenger
Geoff Burch
Linda Knight
Jane Tickner
Worplesdon Parish Council (worplesdon-pc.gov.uk)
The Sime Gallery (sidneysimegallery.org.uk)
Various local inhabitants for their valuable information
Pirbright Historians (pirbright.info)
Christmas Bakery (christmas-bakery.co.uk)
Association of Commons Registration Authorities (acraew.org.uk)
National Library of Scotland (maps.nls.uk)
National Archives
Ordnance Survey
Google Maps
Notes on the History of Worplesdon (Evelyn Thompson, 1921, updated 1951)
Various estate agents
Third Man In (George Beldam, 1996)
The Story of Congregationalism in Surrey (Edward Cleal, 1908)
The House Where Jack Swilled? An Investigation Of Pubs, Beer & The Ripper (A. M. Phypers)
Old Surrey Water-Mills (Hillier, 1951)
Wonersh History Society (wonershhistory.co.uk)
Several informal advisers
My personal thanks to all of the above.
Richard Hartley